Climate Change

Climate Change Drought

Climate change impacts on freshwater ecosystems and catchment values

Understanding the potential impacts of climate change in the Taiari catchment helps us to look after our freshwater ecosystems – both now and into the future.

Within the Taiari, climate change is predicted to increase extreme weather events like floods and droughts. Increased storms and flooding could increase the amount of sediment and nutrients flowing into waterways, greatly affecting the plants and animals that live there.

The potential vulnerabilities of freshwater ecosystems and catchment values to climate change were assessed in a recent study. The assessment includes a suite of potential management actions which will support ecosystem resilience.

This study was commissioned through the Te Mana o Taiari project, a Ngā Awa river restoration project. Te Mana o Taiari is a project co-led by the Department of Conservation (DOC), Te Rūnaka o Ōtākou, Kāti huirapa Rūnaka ki Puketeraki and Otago Regional Council to improve the biodiversity values, resilience and mana of the awa by working in collaboration with the catchment community. DOC’s contribution to the project is funded by the Ngā Awa river restoration project.

The Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment was led by University of Otago experts Gerry Closs, Marc Schallenberg and Christoph Matthaei. The assessment is biodiversity-focussed and is presented in the following formats:

Report Summaries by Subcatchment

Summary Videos by Subcatchment

Taiari / Waipōuri Uplands

Māniototo Basin

Mid Taiari

Lower Taiari

The Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment is supported by another document providing climate projections and detailing the ‘Climate change impacts and risks for the Taiari River catchment’ by Mike Goldsmith. A report summary is also available. 

Finally the catchment community has already participated in two climate strategy workshops facilitated by Shane Orchard – reports available: te-mana-o-taiari-matatu-ki-te-taiao-orchard-2022 and Te Mana o Taiari Tohu te Taiao. As our knowledge develops, we will continue to refine our strategic approach to climate change.

Ngā Awa would also be pleased to support in-person or live video presentations by Gerry Closs, Marc Schallenberg, Christoph Matthaei, and/or Mike Goldsmith to catchment workshops or other relevant forums (Please contact

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